VITA ENAMIC from the perspective of a laboratory user
Since October 2013, VITA ENAMIC has been available for the Ceramill Motion I II system (Amann Girrbach AG, Koblach, Austria). Werner Hirler, a master dental technician from Wolfschlugen, Germany, and experienced laboratory user of Ceramill, has already processed VITA ENAMIC and achieved highly successful results. In the following interview he reports on his experience.
DV: Mr. Hirler, what has your experience been up until now of the new hybrid ceramic?
Werner Hirler, master dental technician: VITA ENAMIC is very pleasant to prepare. I was particularly pleased with the corresponding VITA ENAMIC Polishing Set that comprises pre-polishers and high-gloss polishing instruments. In my opinion, the hybrid ceramic is equally suited to inlays and individual crowns.
DV: What are the concrete benefits of this material for laboratory users?
Werner Hirler, master dental technician: Handling is generally simple, and processing very efficient. As a result, milling times with Ceramill Motion II are shorter than in the case of conventional ceramics, the edges can be milled even more precisely than when using the comparatively brittle conventional ceramics, and there is no need at all for firing. During finishing, I found the material to be comparatively soft, and thanks to good edge stability, fitting is not as complicated as is often the case with conventional ceramics.
DV: What is the feedback like from dentists and their patients regarding restorations fabricated using the hybrid material?
Werner Hirler, master dental technician: As this class of materials is comparatively new, some are still a little hesitant. However, once someone has worked with VITA ENAMIC, they are won over by the benefits of the hybrid ceramic. These include the fact that an excellent fit can be achieved, and that the hybrid material demonstrates better edge stability after milling than conventional CAD/CAM ceramics.
DV: What new opportunities do you think processing the new ceramic has to offer for you?
Werner Hirler, master dental technician: VITA ENAMIC combines the positive characteristics of both acrylic and ceramic. Crucial from my point of view is the fact that it can be processed as efficiently as acrylic, while still allowing high-quality restorations to be achieved that can be billed in the same way as ceramic.